269.240.9688 | 530 Riverside Drive, Dowagiac, MI 49047
Should You Use Mouthwash?

Should You Use Mouthwash?

When taking good care of your teeth is a priority, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your teeth stay healthy, strong and bright. Is brushing and flossing your teeth enough or should you use mouthwash too? Here’s why mouthwash can be a great addition to...
Sports and Dental Health

Sports and Dental Health

Working out, exercising and playing sports are all great activities for your health, but it’s important to know how to protect your teeth when preparing for any work out session or game. Here’s what you should know about sports and dental health. Protective Gear Just...
Do I Need to Replace Old Fillings?

Do I Need to Replace Old Fillings?

Many people who had cavities filled years ago wonder if or when they should replace them. For some patients, old fillings made of silver amalgam may be of some concern due to the mercury content. Others may wish to replace them with newer tooth-colored material for...
Why Preventative Care Matters

Why Preventative Care Matters

Many people don’t think about the health of their teeth until they experience discomfort, often from a cavity, but being proactive about the health of your teeth before problems arise has great benefits. Let’s dig into the topic of why preventative care matters and...
How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

People often joke about sugar being bad for their teeth. “That’s a cavity waiting to happen!” Someone is bound to say as they add sugar to their coffee, or a child enjoys their candy. But is it a myth, or is it true that sugar affects your teeth? The Science Behind...
Dental Hygiene When You’re Sick

Dental Hygiene When You’re Sick

Cold and flu season is in full swing again. When you’re feeling achy, chilled and stuffy, caring for your teeth can understandably slip your mind. Even the smallest task seems to take great effort when you’re feeling under the weather. Getting well and caring for you...
3 Ways to Treat A Toothache

3 Ways to Treat A Toothache

Toothaches are common, but that doesn’t make them any less uncomfortable. Pain is the body’s signal that something needs your attention. If you’re suffering from discomfort in your tooth or mouth, it’s important to find out the reason for that twinge, but there are...
5 Acidic Foods You Should Avoid

5 Acidic Foods You Should Avoid

We all know what we eat has an impact on our teeth, and can affect tooth decay. But are some foods more harmful than others? What foods should you avoid? Acid is one of the more destructive foods that can contribute to tooth decay. So if this is the case what are some...
Why Oral Hygiene Matters

Why Oral Hygiene Matters

Feeling in control of our lives is a comforting feeling. Although there are some things we cannot control, we can control our habits, decisions, and choices. We can’t control our dental health in every, but we can control what we invest in it. Oral hygiene matters...